Best Hunting Broadhead Blade System Manufacturer In Korea


Rexpid has become a world class manufacturer of outdoor sports. Striving for perfection has emphasized quality and engineering advancement over short term sales numbers has ensured the continued growth of Rexpid. In a world where only the competitive survive, Rexpid will continue to stand tall with quality and growth for years to come. We want to be your long-term partner to reach new heights.
Rexpid III_100gr
Weight: 100 grains
Cutting diameter: 1⁷⁄₁₆˝
Blade Thickness: 0.028˝
Stainless Steel
Rexpid III has a unique Blade Sync Technology that links three blades so they open simultaneously on impact. Hunting Broadhead Blade System
Weight: 100 grains
Cutting diameter: 1½˝
Blade Thickness: 0.035˝
– Immediate and simultaneous opening of the blades upon impact
– Superior flight
– Precision grade mechanical system
Stainless Steel
Special impact Drive Technology creates additional power for deeper penetration.
Screw Tip rotates upon impact Increasing Penetration
This blade system is specifically engineered to increase the penetration and
destructive power with three large, offset blades and a multiplex screw-loaded tip.
the screw tip rotates on impact to intensify the rotational and cutting force when going through the target.
Nuri Broadhead
• Weight: 100 + 125 grains
• Cutting diameter: 1?” on 100 grain 1¼” on 125 grain
• Blade Thickness: 0.039” on 100 grain 0.039” on 125 grain
• Stainless Steel
Looking For Nuri Broadhead Manufacturer? Rotary wing blades create a devasting wound channel with deeper penetration
Uses a set of rotary wing blades
A pair of rotary wing blades affixed to the broad head are
Designed to help push the broad head over ribs and other small bones,
Making the wound deeper.
• Weight: 100grains
• Cutting diameter: 1⅛”
• Blade Thickness: 0.028”
“Locked and Loaded”
Creates more powerful force to penetrate
Rexpid RX-S unlocks all 3 blades upon tip impact.
The blades are locked in place until the tip hits the animal.
The tip impact triggers all the blades to open Blades are locked during flights to ensure stability.