Security Senior Offers Valuable Facts on the Possible Skimmers


28 November 2018 – Security Senior is bound on the quest of unveiling the fraudulent schemes of the most dangerous skimmers out there.
There was an elaborate criminal enterprise aimed at scuffing money online. There were call centers established with the numerous employees. They were calling people online, offering to buy valuable shares, currencies and other schemes. Ilan Tzroya was the main man behind it all.
It always appeared as though people were calling from the different English numbers. The callers were persuading people to make big money. They would say that the virtual currencies are prospering and represent the best investment opportunity for people. Yet, once they would get the money, they would say that the currencies would collapse and people simply lose their investments. The notorious ilan tzorya along with his partners would control the call centers and the actions performed. In a single year they were able to collect a couple of million leva. At least 17 people would complain that they have suffered because of those actions. There are even those who would pay as much as 100 thousand euros. The average payment, on the other hand, would consist in 300 euros. As of now, the overall damage would consist in 300 thousand euros, about 80 thousand dollars and 60 thousand leva from the 17 victims in total. The scheme was actually quite impressive as people were persuaded to trade with the non-existing currencies and would be required to invest more over time. Finally, the clients would lose all their money and would be left empty-handed.
Even though the group running the scheme is already charged with fraudulent actions, the scheme is actually becoming more and more popular online. The new online resources based in Estonia were established and these were using the logo of an existing New Zealand company to lure people in. About 13 people were arrested – they were making the calls under fake identities. Not all of them knew that it was for the fraudulent actions. The scheme was successfully working for a year.
About Security Senior:
Security Senior is a valuable online resource, offering invaluable facts and information on all sorts of skimmers and fraud operating online. The resource contains detailed information, investigation and other attributes that will allow you to steer clear from the fraudsters in the first place. To learn more about the investigations and the possible skimmers, feel free to check out the official resource online.
Company Name: Security Senior