DVDs4Less offering premium “A Grade” DVD duplication services at affordable prices till Christmas 2018


DVDs4Less has built a reputation for wholesale dvd duplication and for consistently providing fast turnaround times while maintaining exceptional quality for cheap dvd duplication at the best possible prices. Their fully automated equipment runs 24 hours a day and most orders under for wholesale dvd duplication are usually fulfilled within a short time, smaller and urgent jobs can often be completed the same day, depending on the workload and quantities required.

Your master disc is first checked to ensure it is suitable for wholesale dvd duplication and then each duplicated disc is compared and verified to guarantee it is an exact match to the original master. To backup their 100% quality guarantee, they only use premium “A Grade” professional discs. Their new generation On-Disc printers incorporate the latest technology and are capable of printing high dpi resolution.

Quality digital Insert printing including matt, semi gloss and glossy paper parts are guaranteed to be the best possible quality with our state of the art printing facilities.

Their Dedication to Customer Satisfaction
A lot of businesses promise the world but don’t always deliver. Their continual repeat business is your guarantee that they always deliver their dvd duplication services on time and on budget and ensure we maintain our 100% Customer Satisfaction.
You might think that they make a big deal about the quality of cheap dvd duplication and printing etc etc. but if you had seen what some clients have shown them from other suppliers, you’d understand why they insist on supplying only the best product at the best possible price.

When comparing prices and quotes for dvd duplication services, ensure the brands and discs you are being offered are of the highest possible standard and quality. For this reason, they only use premium “A Grade” licensed discs sourced from suppliers who provide evidence of compliance to quality, royalty and copyright issues.


Client Name – Jim Mitchel
Client Email – camrac@gmail.com
Client Phone no – (775) 323-0965
Company Name – DVDS4LESS.com
Website – http://dvds4less.com/
Company Address: P.O. Box 2266 Sparks, NV 89432-2266