INFINCE was showcased at the NY Business Expo, 2018


November, 2018, White Plains, New York, United States: Fingent was glad to showcase INFINCE at the New York Business Expo- an annual B2B trade show. The exhibition brought all business owners and executives of small companies who converge on this day-long event with conferences, sessions, and networking.

INFINCE is an enterprise cloud platform that rationalizes business IT, secure cloud hosting, Concierge IT support and Run-your-business software, all on a single platform. INFINCE empowers businesses with powerful collaboration, communication, and productivity tools. From launching a website, professional email to core ERP solutions, INFINCE has it all. It’s easy to set up and simple to use, you can save on infrastructure overheads while hosting all your business-critical data on a private and secure cloud. It also provides rapid access to enterprise software, all hosted on secure private clouds dedicated to your need.

Stephen Cummings, SVP, Fingent said,

“Every company today, one way or another, depends on information. Successful companies are resilient and adopt the right mix of technology and processes as their appetite for information technology grows. We’ll present ways a small business can take advantage of recent advances in technology to compete more effectively, even against much larger companies.”

Enterprise Cloud Platform

INFINCE’s software À la carte and customized options offer small business the best economical solution for an effortless IT transformation. INFINCE opens an infinite world of possibilities for small businesses to enhance business using technology. They can choose the hardware and the software that best suits their business on a single platform, without having to pay for everything everywhere. Added to this our concierge service ensures that small businesses are always ahead of the technology curve.

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