Remann Co. IT Asset Reuse management process in Korea


Microsoft Authorized Refurbisher program is for expansive refurbishers headquartered overall who meet a base normal limit of 1,000PCs shipped every month.
Refurbishers in the program professionally refurbish desktop and smart phones servers with honest to genuine software.
Windows plus, Windows Live Services and Microsoft Security Essentials gives an entire renovated PC arrangement at an extraordinary esteem.
Microsoft Authorized Refurbishers Provide Professionally Refurbished PCs and Server Solutions
Microsoft Authorized Refurbishers have long periods of experience professionally renovating PCs and servers utilizing information security and natural and manageability best practices and consistence strategies.
Microsoft Authorized Refurbishers give a total PC arrangement at an incredible incentive for organizations or homes. A professionally revamped PC with Windows and Windows Live gives greater dependability and responsiveness.
When re-deploying the PC’s to other business place or department, service life can be extended through refurbishing of PC’s.
REMANn Co. does all processes such as collection of used PC’s, tests, refurbishing, upgrade, etc. that your company requires.
After collecting the PC from designated place, we prepare report on PC status through test process and submit it to customers.
In addition, processes of cleaning and upgrade will be done to the PC’s that require refurbishing, and we make re-deployment or deliver them to desired place. Customer can use the components through the test of major components.
Why need to re-deploy?
Cost Saving: All organizations don’t require refreshed PC work. You can spare IT working expense by re-conveying existing PC’s.
Administration Life Extension : Service life of vital IT hardware can be expanded. Furthermore, it very well may be moved up to refreshed OS by MAR.
Reuse of Components: Major segments are required for overhaul despite the fact that PC is supplanted, and redesign cost can be limited by reuse of segments.
Looking for used Computer Parts Components supplier Korea, used computer CSR activities in Vietnam, Data Erasing Service provider and IT asset Reuse management in Korea? REMANn Co. were social enterprise that recycles, reuses and re manufactures unused electronic equipment.