Open Banking Forum in Zurich


Kreuzlingen, Switzerland, November 2018 – Already today banks are operating in a totally new financial services landscape and for that, they need to check and possibly adapt their business models. Open Banking is rated as one of the most important trends in banking and there are different aspects which deserve a closer look. With strong legal regulations, a variety of APIs, data protection, to name just a few challenges, it is not easy to establish the right strategy. The question is what role the financial institutions in the newly developing constellation want to play and of course which aims third-party providers strive for.

For the third time the Open Banking Forum is the leading Swiss event that brings together experts, thought leaders and professionals in banking innovations. The next Open Banking Forum will be held in Zurich on January 22, 2019. A great variety of presentations and discussions ensure everyone’s needs and challenges will be met.

High level speakers will talk about international projects concerning Open Banking worldwide trends, different APIs, access-to-account, FinTech innovations in the Baltics, Corporate culture and mindset change to succeed.

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