Mr. Khaled Al Badie, the Al Badie Group (ABG) CEO, is Keen on Encouraging Women’s Role in UAE’s Development


Dubai, Abu Dhabi, (November 22, 2018) – Mr. Khaled Al Badie is the VP and CEO of the Al Badie Group (ABG), and is an important managerial member and decision maker in the group. He places a lot of value to the participation and freedom of women in developing UAE and making it a modern society. He is very keen on offering every type of support that women require for participation in industrial and trading activities.

In his group, Badie is recognized as a strong personality having firm faith in the private sector and its ability to play a key role in the national and regional development. Badie has long been an established member of the board, and he constantly takes part in the meetings of board of directors at many of the institutions, establishments and companies of Al Badie Group, at international as well as domestic levels.

He has also developed a network with many relationships and connections with important decision makers in trade as well as industrial sectors. Badie believes that the transformation of UAE towards modernization can be actualized with more and more educated women coming up and taking part in activities in trade and industry to take the country forward.

About Mr. Khaled Al Badie:
Mr. Khaled Mohammed Bin Juan Al Badie started as the Deputy General Manager of NBAD’s Investment Banking Division. His stint with ABG began in 2006, and he has worked hard to ensure the success and expansion of the group.

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