Migrate from SAP ECC to SAP S/4HANA


SAP S4 HANA Migration

There have been multiple scenarios while it comes to SAP (ECC) ERP migration to SAP S/4 HANA. SAP S4 HANA Migration It is important to understand customers current landscape and used functionalities and modules in the current SAP landscape/system to determine the appropriate S/4 HANA migration scenario.

Determination of migration scenario is so important that based on this understanding only scope, team size and project valuation (bidding value) can be determined. For example, there could be multiple phases (sub-projects) in one simple e.g. ECC6, EhP7 migration to S/4 HANA 1709.

Identification of appropriate migration scenario would help you finalizing following things:

The magnitude of Work (Scope)
Number of Project Phases
Team Size Requirement
Project Amount (Bid Amount)
Mainly this article is for the sales team involved in approaching customers for SAP migration. I hope it helps them.

Note: This article is mainly for SAP consultants/management who are market goers (Sales Team). Please get your basics strong before committing anything about S/4 HANA Migration.

In this article, we would be focusing on Scenario 6 and Scenario 7. Other Scenarios will be covered in future articles.

Note: This document is prepared considering that first, the migration will take place from ECC environment and required additional functionality would be activated in the migrated S/4 HANA 1709 environment. With this, your customer would be in your hand.

Migrate to SAP’s Next generation Business Tool – SAP S/4HANA
 SAP S/4 HANA Migration Scenarios
Note: A new scenario has been evolved in S/4 HANA 1709 for customers who are already in SAP ERP with HANA1 (Suite on HANA) or S/4 HANA with HANA1 (S/4 HANA Finance 1503, 1605 and S/4 HANA 1511, 1610) and want to migrate to S/4 HANA 1709 (which is on HANA2). Migration has to be done in two phases:

Phase1: SAP ERP o HANA (Suite on HANA) to SAP ERP HANA2 (Suite on HANA2)

Phase2: S/4 HANA with HANA1 (S/4 HANA Finance 1503, 1605 and S/4 HANA 1511, 1610) to S/4 HANA 1709 (1709 is on HANA2)

S/4 HANA Migration Concepts (Doc. Splitting and Parallel Ledger/Accounting/HANA2)
Following points help you determining migration scenario with respect to scenario 6 and scenario 7:

There is no concept of ‘New GL or ‘Classic GL’ in S/4 HANA
New GL is not a pre-perquisite for migrating to S/4 HANA, you can migrate to S/4 HANA from classic GL
Migration from Classic GL to S/4 HANA 1610 (1503, 1511, 1605 and 1610) was possible, but subsequently, document splitting was not possible and due to this SAP recommendation was to activate first New GL (Ledger introduction and document splitting) and then migrate to S/4 HANA
Migration from Classic GL (without activating to New GL) to S/4 HANA 1709 is possible, additionally, now subsequent document splitting and ledger introduction is possible in S/4 HANA 1709. This is the reason, now there is no need of doing a project for New GL activation in ECC environment.
Need to keep in mind that there might be possible three separate projects for converting ECC on classic GL to S/4 HANA with document splitting and parallel accounting (additional ledgers).
Subsequent Ledger (Parallel Accounting) introduction was possible from SAP S/4 HANA Finance SAP 1605 and S/4 HANA 1610.
A new scenario has been evolved in S/4 HANA 1709 for customers who are already in SAP ERP with HANA1 (Suite on HANA) or S/4 HANA with HANA1 (S/4 HANA Finance 1503, 1605 and S/4 HANA 1511, 1610) and want to migrate to S/4 HANA 1709 (which is on HANA2). Migration has to be done in two phases:

Project Phases for Migrating SAP ECC System to S/4 HANA 1709
Considering there is one SAP ECC customer with classic GLs and he wants to move to S/4 HANA 1709. He also wants to have functionality such as document splitting and parallel accounting (additional ledgers). SAP S4 HANA Migration.

Phase 1: ECC Migration to S/4 HANA
Preparatory Phase
System Requirement (Unicode Conversion)
Maintenance Planner
Custom Code Pre-Parathion
Technical Migration (SUM)
Database Migration
Software Upgrade
Data Conversion
Delta Customization
Data (Functional) Migration (Migration Cockpit)
Phase2: Activation of Parallel Ledger (Non-Leading Ledger Introduction)

SAP has two approaches to meet multi GAAP reporting requirements i.e. the accounting approach and the ledger approach

Preparatory Phase
Execution Phase
Post – Processing Phase
Phase3: Activation of Document Splitting

Preparatory Phase
Execution Phase
Post – Processing Phase
(Further detailing can be obtained from this blog https://blogs.sap.com/2017/12/11/subsequent-document-splitting-in-s4-hana-finance-1709-on-premise/#)

Note: No SLO service is required for activating document splitting subsequently. Standard document splitting activation cockpit is available in IMG node in S/4 HANA 1709.

 Major/Select Changes in S/4 HANA 1709
If you are going to the customer for sales pitch before that please get the understanding of ‘what is new in S/4 HANA 1709’.

New HANA Data Base i.e. HANA 2 DB
Machine Learning capabilities on S/4 HANA 1709 On-Premise
Expanding Core with Embedded
Innovation on Core: Demand-Driven Replacement, Advanced Variant Configuration, Real-Time Inventory Management (e.g. Oil & Gas)
New S/4 HANA Migration Cockpit
A new addition to SAP Fiori Lot
SAP S4 HANA Migration