Global Market for Wet Waste Management to Witness Considerable Upsurge During 2016-2026


Global Wet Waste Management Market: Introduction
Wet waste refers to the organic waste usually heavy in weight due to dampness and can be segregated on the basis of biodegradable and non-biodegradable waste. Wet waste generally consist of vegetable waste, food waste, tea leaves, shredded newspaper etc. Wet waste management on the other hand is the process of compositing the waste to use it as manure, biogas etc. Further, compositing is the process of shattering down the organic matter in the presence of water and air, using small insects and microorganisms present in the air. The end product, called compost, is usually rich in readily usable plant nutrients forming a part of healthy soil. Moreover, removing waste from public areas helps in reducing risks associated to health, decreasing exposure to biohazards and also reduces infestation of pests. Wet waste management also yields waste energy which can further be deployed in generating electricity.