Dr. Yaseen Al Kama’s contributions to the commercial world of Abu Dhabi.


(November 21, 2018) – Experience reflects the professional indulgence of a person. This holds true concerning Dr. Yaseen AlKamas. One of the most successful persons in association with Al Badie Group of Companies is nonetheless their Chief Operating Officer-Dr. Yaseen Al Kamas.

To begin with, Dr. Yaseen is a Ph.D. degree holder and hails from Mechanical Engineering and an acknowledged CFA charter holder. Currently, he is busy performing a wide array of duties emerging out of the critical position he bags in within his organization.

In addition to entitling himself as the Chief Operating Officer, Dr. Yaseen AlKamas represents himself as a member to various committees. Notable amongst these committees are Group Finance and Investment Committee and Group Assets Owners Companies. To add more glory to his current vital positions is the board membership of subsidiaries to several groups. Besides, Dr. Yaseen Al Kamas also contributes to the responsibilities of the international business development committee of his organization.

As Dr. Yaseen AlKamas holds a key position of crucial importance, it is his responsibility to carry on a budding relationship with the group’s CEO. This professional relationship with Mr. Khaled Al Badie (CEO of Al Badie Group of Companies) is helpful in maintaining updates concerning the operational progress of the organization.

For more information please visit https://yaseenalkamas.wordpress.com/the-role-of-yaseen-alkamas-in-abu-dhabi-commercial-world/

Media Contact:
Dr. Yaseen Al Kamas
Email: contact@YaseenAlKamas.com
