A new achievement of Dr. Yaseen Al Kamas with Swiss International Humanitarian Organization


(November 21, 2018) – With no hassles, Dr. Yaseen AlKamas, accepts an invitation extended from Mrs. Evelyn Wood- the President of UniRef. This application was intended towards inviting Dr. Yaseen to contribute as a member of UniRef’s Steering Committee.

UniRef is a Swiss International Humanitarian Organization and is actively contributing towards availing quality higher education to the refugees. With the acceptance of the invitation, Dr. Yaseen AlKamas shall be serving in force under the Organ of Dialogue and Steering on the development of the organization’s mission.

Dr. Yaseen Al Kamas’ role would be contributing towards highlighting the importance of a life-long learning process and success. His role will be hovering around delivering the importance of advanced education and multicultural experience to lay down the foundation of a robust career path. These valuable insights from Dr. Yaseen shall be dedicated to contributing to the quest of the Swiss Organization in the Middle East.

With his humble personal and professional background, the Swiss International Humanitarian Organization expects a lot of contributions from Dr. Yaseen Al Kamas end. Before accepting this membership, Dr. Yaseen has extended his thoughts at the University Education Program. This University Education Program was organized by the Swiss International Humanitarian Organization for refugees of the Emirati Jordanian Camp.

For more information please visit https://yaseenalkamas.wordpress.com/2018/06/06/dr-yaseen-al-kamas-the-latest-addition-to-uniref-comite-de-steering/

Media Contact:
Dr. Yaseen Al Kamas
Email: contact@YaseenAlKamas.com
