Ablio launches telephone interpreting services in Brazil


Ablio is opening its telephone interpreting services in Brazil today.  It is launching the localized version of its service platform as well as opening new offices in Brasilia, where its customer care operations for the Brazilian market will be handled.  

“We are the first telephone interpreting provider to establish local offices and customer care support in Brazil, a country with a population of over 200 million people, says Giulio Monaco, CEO of Ablio. We believe that it’s important to have a physical presence in this territory, even though our services can be delivered virtually from anywhere in the world and independently from where we are located. This presence in Brazil will provide superior customer care and an overall upgraded quality of service.”

With this new opening in Brazil, Ablio expands its local presence in major language countries, which now include offices in the United States, Italy, and Luxembourg. Brazilian operations are supported by a business partnership with Casa Mundi, a primary language service agency with offices in Brasilia, Rio de Janeiro, and Sao Paulo.

“Our agency has, up to now, offered written translation and on-site interpreting services, says Eloy de Oliveira, CEO of Casa Mundi. The partnership with Ablio will give us the opportunity to add a new important service to our catalog, creating additional revenues by leveraging on our existing customer base. Brazil is a great potential market, so far very much untapped; and we are now ready to take advantage of this opportunity.”

The initial service offer is provided with over 50 accredited interpreters, from Portuguese into 7 different languages, with the plan to rapidly expand to 100 accredited interpreters from Portuguese into 20 different languages.

Ablio makes language interpretation services easily available to anybody, in any different context. Using state-of-the-art IT & telecommunication technologies, Ablio creates and manages tools and service platforms supported by its own community of live interpreters.

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