SpeechLink – Treating the Speech-Related Problems of Kids Through the Best Therapies


It is true that we all love our kids more than anything else in our life. Since the infants are born with a lesser ability to understand necessary things, their parents make them learn the things and practices while raising them. Some of those vital practices include brushing teeth, taking a shower every day, wearing sensible clothes per the climate, urinating in a toilet, and of course, speaking words to sentences clearly. Children try to adopt such habits at a considerable age of around three to six years. However, it is the concern of many parents that their kids could not speak properly even after attaining a considerable age. While many such parents visit their pediatricians for discussing this problem and the associated solutions, many others approach child psychologists for a remedy.

However, some experts may hold distinctive approach on this matter. It means that many of them say that delayed speaking of kids is a normal process, which goes off by the growing age, some of them say that it is a concerning disorder and needs a treatment. This way, at times it becomes difficult for you to decide which one of those advices is authentic and should be trusted. The best way is to discuss such a problem of your kids with the expert child speech therapists. However, you must ensure that the speech therapist whom you are consulting has ample years of experience in treating the speaking problem of kids with the children language therapy Woodbridge.

For any such requirement, you may approach us at SpeechLink. We have the team of expert professionals, who firstly diagnose the case of the kids and then identify the best treatment therapy that suits in the case. They use numerous methodologies for treating the speaking problems of kids. The medical professionals and therapists working at our clinic are well-trained and experienced to ensure that your kids are given all the required care. We dedicate ample time for the kids for the speech therapy sessions. We are also empaneled with most of the insurance companies providing the cashless treatment services for our treatments.

Contact Us

Marina Nezhinsky

Address: 2 Lawrie Rd, Vaughan L4J 3N7

Phone:(416) 666-9198

Email: therapy@speechlink.ca

Website: www.speechlink.ca