MsgClub offers the most affordable bulk SMS reseller services


19th November 2018- Monday, Indore (Madhya Pradesh). From 10+ years MsgClub is at the cutting edge of bulk SMS reseller services program which is guaranteed for individuals to nurture high amount of business leads and maximum customer satisfaction. We have created a great presence in the industry and a mark among all people in providing highest quality services at the most affordable prices to make sure that you will get an utmost return on investment (ROI).

When it comes to opening a SMS reseller account on our cloud-based interface, the basic requirements include a desktop connected with an internet connection, bulk SMS credits and a genuine database of targeted contacts residing different parts of the nation.

We’re sure that our become bulk sms reseller in india program will definitely bring high advantages to your business. It gives you an opportunity to stay connected with your customers more personally. Also, you need to do is ask your contacts to expand their network of clients and resellers which resulted in bringing out an increased level of text message services that enhance your business sales and customer base in the country. The sky’s the limit of adding a sub-reseller or user account under reseller thus facilitating every SMS reseller you to create an increase in a number of resellers accounts under your own account.

Well, there are few reasons why an individual or owner should become MsgClub’s SMS reseller partner?

1. We offer you the wholesale pricing of SMS services along with the long code, campaign management, and DND filter.

2. Get most engaging discounts in the preliminary stages.

3. You can access our user-friendly SMS reseller interface very easily with all latest features like Unicode, live SMS status, API codes etc.

4. You can offer value-added services like voice SMS, missed call alert, IVR, URL shortener to your patrons.

5. Sell out packages to your customers and sub-resellers at the price you wish to. We do not charge any commission.

6. Get a whole branded panel under white label solution so that you can change a logo, and our identity to make your presence in the market.

So, what do you think about this great opportunity to earn higher money just by sitting at home? In the reseller program, you’re free to provide any technical support to your customers because MsgClub team is here to provide assistance to your customers and sub-resellers regardless of any charge on support. It is free of cost, your users can take support from us with an ease! We do not disclose our identity in front of them.