• Transwish’s Training for Trainer KKNI 3 for PT. SaptaIndra Sejati


Transwish Indonesia successfully conducts Training for Trainer KKNI 3 sertifikasi BNSP for their Mining Clients. This time is for PT SaptaIndra Sejati, an Adaro Mining Services Company.

Jakarta, Indonesia – November 18th 2018 – For Immediate Release
TransWISH Indonesia announces another successful Training for Trainer Sertifikasi BNSP for Indonesian Trainers, Motivators and Instructor in Mining industry. This time the training is Training for trainer KKNI 3 held for PT Sapta Indra Sejati, an Adaro Mining Services Company. Adaro Mining is a well known company in Mining industry in Indonesia.

This training and competence certification is followed by 20 (Twenty) participants from various departments and sites in Jakarta and Kalimantan (Borneo).

The event held from Nov 12-15th 2018 at Company’s Learning Center in Cilandak, South Jakarta. This Training based on SKKNI uses the latest “SKKNI Nomor 161 Tahun 2015 Tentang KATEGORI PENDIDIKAN BIDANG STANDARISASI, PELATIHAN, DAN SERTIFIKASI “standard. The Training for Trainer KKNI 3 also uses KKNI No 223/2016.

This training is started by TransWISH Indonesia’s Head of Competence Certification Center and senior trainer Mr. Luki Tantra. Lead Trainer and assessor are coming from LSP. Training assistants in this program are Mr. Hardih Airkaya Lumelle, Mr. Imam Reza and Ms. Amelia Putri.

Assessors assigned from BNSP are Mr. Roberto Pardede and Mr. Pria Indira.

Adaro Mining Services’ / PT SIS’s management represented by Ms. Mayang from HR Department. Also present a higher management to open the training. With this training, the company hopes that their internal trainer/ internal instructor can be more impactful on their training sessions; met the BNSP standard for trainers and facilitate themselves for their next assessment.

Ms. Tiara Lissardi, Transwish Indonesia’s Senior Marketing In charge for this program stated that she is very happy that she can help this program. Adaro Mining Services / PT Sapta Indra Sejati is a very well known name in Mining industry in Indonesia and TransWISH Indonesia is very glad to aid their Trainer development program.

BNSP/IPCB (Badan Nasional Sertifikasi Profesi / Indonesian Profession Certification Body) is the Indonesian authorized profession competence certification. TransWISH Indonesia is an approved Training and Competence venue certificate (Tempat Uji Kompetensi/TUK) through Indonesian Competent Instructor Competency Certification Body.

Video Documentation can be found here

Full stories and training photo documentation can be found here:

By the beginning of AFTA (ASEAN Free Trade Area), the need for profession certification in Indonesia is drastically increase. Many Large and Reputable mining companies started to certify their company’s internal instructor to improve their competitiveness and impact to the employee they teach.

BNSP is the Indonesian authority in charge of implementing the certification of personnel and professional competence for all manpower in Indonesia. The authority is working to ensure the quality of competence and recognition of workers in all sectors of the profession in Indonesia through the certification process.

For more information, please contact TransWISH Indonesia Business Development at:

TransWISH Indonesia
Wisma Pede 3rd Floor Suite B301
Jl. MT Haryono Kav 17
P. +62 21 8311 905/907
F. +62 21 831 2847
E-mail: info@TranswishIndonesia.com
URL: www.TranswishIndonesia.com

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