wedding season : Check out Organic Ayurveda Regimes


We all look forward to the Wedding celebrations during winter season. During winter our skin needs more pampering and indulgence. Going with natural and organic regimes for care and rejuvenation is the best way to brighten up your pictures and look pretty. A day long routine for nurturing the skin using Kumkumadi will be like this-

Every morning gently clean your skin using Kumkumadi scrub in gentle circular motions (it’s very mild and 100%natural), followed up by applying 4-5 drops of facial oil directly on skin, after which the facial serum.

In the evening on already clean face apply 4-5 drops of facial oil directly on skin, after which the facial serum followed by a night cream.

It only takes one day complete cycle of Kumkumadi usage for you to see the results.

Inatur Kumkumadi Face cleanser

Inatur Kumkumadi Face cleanser is an Ayurvedic formulation from precious herbs and extracts. It is Sulphate free, mildly cleanses skin, Improves texture, Clears Complexion, Fights pigmentation, Controls acne and Clears blemishes. It is Rejuvenating with Saffron, Sandal & Orange. It is excellent for all skin types.

Price: Rs 450

Kumkumadi Cream

It is filled with the goodness of Saffron Oil- that tones and gives radiance to skin, Sandal oil- that has a soothing effect and prevents marks, Manjishtha- clears complexion and prevents pigmentation & eczema, Licorice- reduces discoloration and age spots, Turmeric extracts- treats acne and soothes burns, Rose oil- moisturizes and treats inflammation, Almond oil- reduces tan and age lines, Carrot oil- rejuvenates and lightens skin tone and Sesame oil- that gives deep nourishment and softens skin.

Price: Rs. 950

Kumkumadi Scrub

Kumkumadi scrub is an ayurvedic formulation made for intensive care with organic oils that sloughs off dead skin cells, opens up blocked pores, repairs and brightens skin by fighting ageing signs, evens complexion while nourishing the skin and brightening it like never before. It effectively tightens the skin and gives a youthful glow, clears complexion and lightens deep-rooted pigmentation, giving a rejuvenated look and an improved texture.

Price: Rs. 800

Kumkumadi Oil

Kumkumadi Oil is an ayurvedic formulation from precious herbs and extracts. It is facial beauty oil. It helps to improves texture and complexion of skin. . Various other problems like pigmentation, ageing can be resolve by this oil. Relives blemishes, acne, acne scars, white and black heads. It has both cleansing and nourishing effect. Feel your skin getting soft and moisturized in no time, giving you the perfect glow.

Price: Rs. 800

Kumkumadi Facial Serum

It’s a unique ayurvedic formula! It lightens your skin tone by giving you a brighter complexion. It removes pigmentation and dark circles from the root. This combination of pure herbs helps to restore and repair your skin from within. The results are radiant and youthful looking skin!”
It aims at giving you a brighter skin texture by lightening your skin tone. It helps to diminish dark circles from the root and give you an even skin tone.

Price: Rs. 1,250
