Partnership Invitation from DWHL2019


This is Karen from the organizing committee of the Guangzhou International Doors, Windows, Building Hardware & Locks Export Fair (DWHL 2019)

As the premier event in housing industry in China, the 11th China Int’ l Integrated Housing Industry & Building Industrialization Expo (CIHIE 2019) will be held in conjunction with DWHL 2019. DWHL provides a one-of-a-kind platform for global buyers to experience the latest & best offerings from the world over. We’ve got to know that your website enjoys high reputation in trading. What we offer:
1.Link your banner/logo with hyperlink as media partner on our homepage.
2.Share your website o Facebook, Twitter or Linkedin.

In return, we hope you could provide DWHL 2019 with the following service.
1.Post our banner / logo on your official website or release our exhibition info on your website.
2.Post our event info on social media platform like Facebook, Twitter or Linkedin.
We would be honored to collaborate with you. Please feel free to contact me if you have any other proposals or questions.
Thanks & Best Regards,