Breaking News: Now Organize Your Stuff by Using “My Stuff Organizer App”


Surat, India: Ebizz Infotech has recently launched an application “My Stuff Organizer: For Personal Stuff Management”.

By using this application, anyone can store details of any kind of stuff, i.e., users can keep a track of all the things that they have bought. They can add details of anything like cosmetics, groceries, clothes, etc. In short, a user can keep a track of personal, professional, study materials or any other things.

Some astounding features are listed below:

✍ Capture photo of the stuff, so it becomes easy to identify
✍ Purchase Price can be added to keep a check on the expense
✍ Record details of Date of purchase, so, the Stuff’s age can be verified
✍ Warranty details can be added to let the users know about warranty expiration
✍ Additional details can also be added like, name of the shop, discount rate, etc.

If anyone has purchased anything and he/she has entered all the details regarding it like, price, purchase date, shop name, etc. in this application, then next time whenever he/she wants to purchase the similar thing again, user can get all the details of that thing by using this app anywhere and at any time! Users can also add warranty details of a product. So that if they want to check warranty deadline, they can easily get to know about it and get the product serviced before that.

This application can be used globally by everyone, be it students, housewives, businessmen, etc. An individual can avoid duplication of bringing extra things by using ‘My Stuff Organizer App’, as a user can check either he/she has already bought that thing or not!

Many other highly rated applications of Ebizz Infotech are available such as ‘Auto Stamper, Full Battery Charge Alarm with Security Alert, TexFer for transferring text between Mobile and Desktop’.

“Don’t search for customers to use your products, make such products so that customers shall attract towards you”, said Mr. Suresh Kalathiya, CEO of Ebizz Infotech. This application, ‘My Stuff Organizer: For Personal Stuff Management’ is definitely a great help to manage stuff for anyone who has many things to manage.