Your Yoga Practice can take your Weightlifting to the Next Level


San Francisco, California – November, 2018 – Beginners in weight lifting often concern themselves with the minor and unimportant details. They are worried about sets, quantity of protein, and how often to lift. This information becomes important during fine tuning but in the beginning, the bigger goal is to achieve a higher fitness level.

The first step towards your goal can be achieved with consistent diet and exercise. And yoga is a highly effective medium to become healthy and fit, especially for weight lifters?

Yoga helps you achieve a higher level of mobility, body awareness, and self-awareness.
Mobility is highly important to a weight lifter and any issues impeding mobility can affect a weight lifter’s performance. Things like a frozen shoulder, strains, sprains, and tears and muscle scar tissue binding and adhesions can bring your training to a halt for long periods depending on the severity of the given injury.

A regular yoga practice helps you keep your joints, such as knees, hips, shoulders, and spine very mobile and the muscles supple. Your yoga practice will allow depth and range of motion that is very important for weight lifting.
Body Awareness
Yoga and weight lifting – both are highly concerned about micro adjustments – small movements of the different regions of the body.

Yoga will train you into checking each muscle for tension and relaxation and each center of balance. This deep sense and muscle knowledge improve tension, balance and rhythm.
The most important component of programming the body is self-awareness.

Self-awareness and body awareness go together. Self-awareness is important whether you are setting up for a heavy squat or preparing for a heavy set.

Yoga includes mindfulness and mindfulness allows you to be present to what you are doing, with full awareness.

As your yoga practice becomes more fluid, your weight lifting will improve automatically.
In fact, when you train for weight lifting, it would become another form of meditation for you.

Yoga also provides other important benefits, such as improved breathing and reduction in physical pain.
Yoga is certainly good for weight lifters, and if you want to maintain your weightlifting practice in top shape, for a long time, keep practicing yoga.
Experienced coaches, such as The Big Yogi in California, can design an individual program based on your body-type and specific goals whether it is increased strength and athleticism and pain reduction and improved health.

To learn more about yoga classes, such as yoga for weightlifters and meditation techniques for anxiety, get in touch with the leading stress coach online in San Francisco, California, The Big Yogi, Nick Palladino, at or call 707-293-5415. Nick inspires, teaches and leads others towards their own light and life purpose.