Auto Body Frame Machines for Sale at



Detroit Lakes, MN (14th Nov 2018) – Auto body frame machines are vital for vehicle restoration and also protect car owners from future distress. Repair of car frames is essential and of utmost importance. As attention is paid to the outward appearance so also should the restoration of car frames due to low or high-speed collisions. Auto body shops recognizes the need for such quality equipment and machines, and with Auto Body Shop a solid, built to last and built to work auto body frame machines at affordable price is possible.

Inasmuch as variety of machines is needed for a functional auto body shop, a frame machine’s importance can’t be overstated. With Auto frames an auto body repair shop has a backed confidence to hold cars, trucks and other automobiles. With their body frames smooth running of an auto body shop is assured.

Auto Body Shop is known to always be innovative when it comes to car repair equipment’s and this is further proved with their auto body frames. They understand the importance of space and efficiency and this resonates with their rectangular machine racks which fits in any cramped quarters of an auto body shop. With less space covered, working on the car is much easier. The frame racks vary in different standard sizes: 15-, 18-, 20- and 24-foot models. Customization of these machines is also an option for consideration. Availability of electric over hydraulic and air over hydraulic models, and the easy-to-use operation is another standout feature of which lets technicians repair cars in a split second and this is directly proportional to the success of an auto body shop.

Media Contact:
Company Name: Auto Body Shop
Address: 909 Cormorant Avenue Detroit Lakes, MN 56501
Phone: 800-445-8244
