XLENT Care Products Inc offers a great deal: Volaris Rollator and half price SAFE rebounder


(November 14, 2018) – XLENT Care Products Inc, a medical product company offers the health bounce rebounder and accessories for a limited time at 50% off when you purchase a Volaris rollator walker. So many of today’s walkers are made in China but the Volaris rolling walker is proudly made in Sweden. It boasts a beautiful, youthful design and high-quality materials, including lightweight extruded aluminum.
The Volaris is a more expensive rollator but buying a cheap rollator doesn’t make a lot of sense when buyers are relying on it to keep them upright, safe, and moving. The cheap rollators cannot be depended on, require lots of servicing and have a short lifespan. The Volaris rolling walker is designed to last for many years giving reliable service with a look user will be proud of.
The unique design of Volaris allows you to walk tall with great posture. No more bending over your walker in a stooped position which adds years to your look! Walking with your shoulders in line with the hand grips is where your balance, alignment and strength is. You will be amazed at how much further you can walk with much more energy!

These walkers for seniors (and younger users), offer a smooth, sturdy and safe walker with wheels and seat that gives you confidence to get out and keep moving. The walker is a rugged, great looking wheeled walker with functions that are adjustable, quick and easy.

It is important to note that users can purchase any model of Volaris rollator with many benefits. The special offer is available on phone-in orders only, not available online. The offer for this product expires without notice very soon.

About Company:
Xlent Care Products Inc, a supplier of medical and fitness products selling in the United States and Canada, has a great offer when you purchase the Volaris rollator. To order for this offer, dial Toll free 1-866-315-9305

Media Contact:
XLENT Care Products Incorporation
Name: Tracy White
Website: https://www.xlentcare.com/
Email: customerservice@xlentcare.com
Toll Free: 1-866-315-9305
Like Us: https://www.facebook.com/RollatorWalkers/
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