Overview of Imnanotech co., who is specialized in Refurbishing Procedure in Korea


We appreciate very much for your interests to our company and products we are very pleased to see you customers through a new world of Internet.
After we established Imnanotech Co., Ltd and our R&D lab in 2001 July, We started the first ALN heater Dimple renewable and we have been studying the heaters of the CVD, PVD process until starting in April 2011 We have walked only way and have accumulated know-how and experi-ences in this field with innovative technologies under the company motto of ‘Human and technology”. Currently, we are refurbishing and providing major products of Mca, ALN Heaters and Magnet Assy (AMAT). A addition, we have plans to develop various esc including ODF esc which uses LED, OLED We sincerely thank you for your continuing interests in our company and we promise that we are doing our best to meet your demands.
• MCA Heater Refurbishing Procedure
F’art checking
• Reject (incoming report) -in case the surface is broken
0 plate (resistivity) 0 Bellows (leaking) S 0 Shaft (Perpendicular) TC, ESC (Dimples, Groove)
•Bellows replacement ftevel
• For chucking force up, eliminate dimples, flatness, dimple re-generation
Fechnica, refurbishing PVD MCA E-CHUCK Manufacturer
▪ Open between Sus cover and ALN plate
•Making a complete overhaul inside replacing the parts damaged
•Welding on Helium line, terminal Metalizing between Sus cover and ALN plate opened
Final Test – Resistivity, Vacuum leaking test, – Chucking test
DAHAN TECHNOLOGY, ALL RIGHT RESERVED. TEL +82-2-2220-0453 / FAX +82-2-2287-5495
Cleaning like Oem-new
• Success Oncoming and outcoming report= overhaul report)
• ALN Heater Refurbishing Procedure
Final Test – Gauss test
Restoringthemagnetism of demagnetized including magnet replacement 0 Gauss control remagnetization in accordance with original spec Mca Heater Distributor Korea
Cleaning like Oem-new
• Success Oncoming and out coming report= overhaul report)
• ESC Refurbishing Procedure
Part checking
• Reject (incoming report) -in case the surface is broken
0 Welding – If it happens a leaking problem caused by getting the adjoined parts come off After opening, refurbishing, and welding between ALN plate and Base plate 0 Re-generating Dimples (Embossing) – If it happens a chucking problem For example, in case of Bad uniformity
Final Test – Vacuum Leaking test, – Chucking test
Cleaning like Oem-new
• Success Oncoming and outcoming report= overhaul report)