Next Level Recruiting Provides a Platform for Student Athletes and Coaches to Connect


Next Level Recruiting is pleased to announce its unique recruiting platform for athletes and coaches. Registration is now open for students and coaches. Next Level Recruiting opens a world of wonderful opportunities for athletes who are interested in Division 1, Division 2 & Division 3 athletic opportunities. Not to mention scholarships!

Our mission is to provide an affordable option for high school athletes to showcase their talents & get noticed by college coaches and recruiters. Every year millions of high school students graduate with a desire to continue their careers at the college level. But with 8 million student athletes graduating each year, it’s definitely a challenge to get noticed. Especially for those living in smaller communities and rural areas. And that is what Next Level Recruiting is hoping to change. We are committed to helping our student members get noticed!

The platform is structured to provide coaches & recruiters an easy way to evaluate players. The traditional method of finding potential recruits is now gone! It has been replaced with social media and video. Next Level Recruiting is using cutting edge technology to showcase our student athletes. Sports included on the Next Level Recruiting platform are baseball, basketball, soccer, cross country, field hockey, football, golf, gymnastics and many more.

Next Level Recruiting guarantees the safety of every athlete because all user-generated content and comments are filtered & reviewed by our quality control team. Coaches or athletic recruiters are verified with the actual institutions they claim to serve prior to being accepted by NXL.

This unique and timely recruitment platform was founded by Coach Leroy Roar, who has faithfully served as a youth and high school football coach for 15 years. Coach Leroy is passionate about helping student athletes attain a great college education while furthering their athletic careers.

To learn more about Next Level Recruiting and how it is helping athletes and coaches connect, visit the company’s website or call 1-800-731-1928.

About NXL Recruiting: Next Level Recruiting is a next generation platform for athletes & coaches to connect. Our members gain access to 25,000 college coaches and recruiters from across the country. This dramatically improves their chances to get recruited and to attain an athletic scholarship.

Company: Next Level Recruiting
Address: Vail, Arizona
Phone No : 800 731-1928
Email ID: