Create an enterprise portal


Think of the word “portal.” What is the first thing that comes to your mind? The travelers will recall a grand entrance to a medieval cathedral. The fantasy fans will imagine a magical doorway between two worlds. Yes, the word has various connotations. In this article, we will discuss the power of business portals. You will learn how to create an app for your enterprise. Are you ready? Let’s start.

What is an enterprise portal?
When building a house for the first time, you learn everything about the materials used and building techniques. The same goes for the web development. Before we proceed to the development of an enterprise portal, let’s discuss what it is and what issues it solves.

An enterprise web portal is a web-based platform that stores information from numerous sources in a single interface.

The employees, customers, and partners do not have to visit different pages, log into endless applications searching for the exact data. They interact with the relevant content through the platform that collects the business information and applications in one place.

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