For A Copy Repair Service In Paterson, Turn To Ace Copy


The printing industry has played a huge role in the development of the way we receive our information. Although, it is not as important as it once was with the advent and rise of other devices, printers still have a purpose for many companies.

Several years ago, people relied upon books, newspapers, articles and magazines to find out what is going on around them. Along with printers came shredders which are used to get rid of documents in a convenient manner. Sure, you could rip apart your documents but they can always be pasted back together. With a shredder, you know that it is almost impossible to do this. A good shredder can last a very long time. However, a cheap one can break down on you which will require repair services. For a copy repair service in paterson, turn to Ace Copy.

With their wealth of knowledge, skill, and experience in all types of printer & copier repair services, their clients have relied on them for over 25 years,

Their copier technicians are highly trained to handle any kind of situation so that your copier functions the right way. For all your Ricoh Copier Repair needs, Ace Copy is the place for you. Their dedicated staff provides exceptional quality for all these customers. With affordable prices, you can rest assured knowing that this is the place to turn to. Ace Copy will fix any coper and reduce your future repairs but performing the task the right way. Sometimes it may be difficult to determine whether or not your copier needs repair. However, if you noticed that your copier or multi-function printer is producing pages that have long black lines or streaks intermittently or on every page; then you may need the services of a trusted company to repair your copier.

Understand, that this is not normal and you should never have to put up with this type of output. This can be an indication of a much bigger problem and you should contact an authorized service technician to look at your device. More information can be found by visiting their official website by going to

Contact Us:

Ace Copy Inc.
Address: 106 Bloomfield Avenue Newark, NJ 07104-1906
Phone: 973-483-0800
Fax: 973-483-2304