A Digital Healthcare Solution to Fight Diabetes – Apollo Sugar reinvents diabetes care


Apollo Sugar Clinics completes its first year in providing an innovative model of diabetes care that can be accessed from home. Launched on 14th November 2017 on the occasion of the #WorldDiabetesDay, Apollo Sugar’s Diabetes Home Care Kit has thus far served more than 10,000 people with its innovative model of healthcare with which patients can get world-class diabetes care from the comfort of their homes.

Apollo Sugar had come up with this digital healthcare innovation with a good reason. Diabetes is now a major concern for almost all the families of the country. With more than 73 million people with known diabetes, and many more on the verge of getting it, diabetes now demands everyone’s attention.

This is because diabetes is a major reason for dangerous conditions like heart diseases, kidney failure, vision loss, and foot amputation just to name a few. While the risk of these major diseases can be avoided by a scientific approach to diabetes management, many people are still wedded to the traditional approach.

Unfortunately, people with diabetes make themselves content visiting a doctor once in a while and take medications. This is simply not enough to avoid major diabetes complications. That is why Apollo Sugar has brought about a successful and structured approach to manage diabetes and reduce hospitalizations.

Apollo Sugar Home Care Kit is a one of a kind digital health care innovation that is actually much more than what it looks. And, everything it offers can be enjoyed by patients at the comfort of their homes.

With this diabetes home care kit, one can consult diabetologists and endocrinologists through video doctor consultations. This has proved to be a major inclusion as people even from remote areas are now able to consult the best diabetes doctors.

Apollo Sugar Diabetes home care kit also makes full use of technology in the form of a connected glucometer and Apollo Sugar app that can be operated with the help of a smartphone. This allows patients to measure blood sugar levels, and allow their care team to know sugar levels real-time. This helps in providing real-time assistance to reduce blood sugar level fluctuations, which is a major reason for many diseases.

With continuous assistance from dieticians and diabetes educators, this diabetes home care kit has been made available in many Apollo Pharmacies, and e-commerce portals like #Amazon, #Snapdeal, #Img, and #PayTm so that even people in remote areas can easily purchase this innovative diabetes solution.

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About Apollo Sugar Clinics :

Apollo Sugar Clinics is a single specialty diabetes and endocrine healthcare provider formed as a collaboration between Apollo Health & Lifestyle and Sanofi.

For more information please contact :

Apollo Sugar Clinics
Unit No. 306 & 307, Ashoka Capitol Building,
Banjara Hills Road No. 2,
Hyderabad – 500034 Telangana.
Diabetes Helpline: 18001031010