Responsibility of a Student Towards Nation


As a citizen everyone has certain duties and responsibilities that must be carried out for the well being of a country. The role of a citizen to make a country a developed one in all aspects is important. Students also play an inevitable part as they are the coming generation of the country. This role and responsibilities may include social responsibilities, certain moral responsibilities, legal, etc. For each country there will be a set of rules and regulation for making governance is easy. We should obey such rules and regulations to reduce number of criminal activities in a country. A country needs human resource that are highly educated for its overall development. Proper academic knowledge and culture should be transferred to students through teachers .We cannot think of a country with illiterate citizens. For the success of a country this is important that is why many countries has adopted new education policy which ensures compulsory education for students.
Students can show their responsibilities towards nation by gaining more knowledge through education. They should utilize their capabilities for the public welfare. Today technology is growing day by day. For easiness of mankind latest innovations are introducing nowadays students can utilize these latest technology for meeting the needs of people. Many educational institutions are introducing certain programs with an objective of finding young talents in schools. Many modern educational institutions are motivating students who are passionate for latest technologies. Schools also play an important role in developing educated human resources for the country. Students should be aware of the latest changes that are happening within a country. They should have opinions regarding relevant social issues. There may be certain organisations that are working for the benefit of the society and nation. Students can join such organisations to show their responsibilities .These organisations include NCC Scout etc. In case of any kind of natural calamities country need their help.
Another important responsibility of a student is to choose a good career where they can show their talent and capabilities. It can be any profession including doctor, engineer, teacher etc. Students should have a clear vision for choosing a right career through which they can do something for the country. Another responsibility is to fight against injustice, gender inequalities, criminal activities in the society. Students should be aware of the rules of the country and should support citizens who need justice.
As explained above the role of a student in making a country a developed one is important. Through education we should transfer knowledge and culture of the country .That’s how we can create students of good qualities and also for the overall development of the country.