Access Smile: A Budapest dental Clinic with a Proven Track Record


Access Smile offers Budapest dental treatment for patients from the UK and Ireland. Budapest dental work is of the same high standard that a patient in London or Dublin would expect, at a fraction of the cost.

[BUDAPEST, 08/11/2018] – Dental tourism is becoming increasingly popular: that is, going overseas to get cheaper treatment. For expensive procedures such as dental implants, Access Smile offers patients the chance to save hundreds of euros or pounds with a Budapest dental treatment. It is also one of the only dental clinics that includes unforeseen root canal treatment as part of its guarantee. If patients end up requiring a root canal because of damage to teeth during preparation for a crown or bridge, Access Smile doesn’t charge extra.

Access Smile has been arranging Budapest dental treatment for 12 years. Access Smile has an extensive network of contacts to help arrange all the logistical details of the Budapest dental trip for its patients. This includes: hotels, transfers to and from the Budapest dental clinic and information on airport transfers.

Access Smile Budapest dental staff are fluent in English, so patients have no worries about being understood, or not be able to grasp what is happening during their Budapest dental treatment. All Access Smile Budapest dental treatments are recorded and a full treatment report, including photos, is then available to the patient’s home dentist and for any follow-up procedures required. There are Access Smile partner dentists in London and Dublin who can provide any aftercare needed and communicate with the Budapest dentist if required.

Access Smile gives its customers a detailed breakdown of costs with guaranteed prices before they travel, so they know exactly what they are signing up for before they travel for their dental treatment in Hungary. All patients have an initial assessment before travel, so the Access Smile staff can maximise the Budapest dental time, and get the treatment completed in one trip, wherever possible.

Patients also have the option to explore the beautiful city of Budapest, one of the cultural capitals of Europe. Those having treatments over the space of a few days can take a walk over Margaret Bridge, enjoy a famous Budapest spa, or the view from Gellert Hill, in between appointments.

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