What’s Root Canal Therapy?


The thought of undergoing root canal therapy (RCT) creates anxiety among many people. Since most people are unsure of what to expect, the news of RCT stirs many emotions. Many people feel concern over the pain they may have to endure.

An understanding of the procedure will ease some of the concerns you might be having.

Why is a Root Canal Therapy needed?

RCT or Root canal therapy is an effective treatment in case the pulp or the nerve of your tooth becomes inflamed and infected. This is often the result of a cracked tooth, dental decay, or an injury to your tooth.

The symptoms that may lead to an RCT recommendation include –

• inflamed and infected teeth
• mild to severe pain
• sensitivity to cold or hot
• tender and swollen gums

After an accurate diagnosis, your dentist can determine whether root canal therapy is the right treatment for your condition.

Left untreated, tooth and surrounding tissue infection and inflammation can lead to –
• bone loss around the tip of the root
• swelling in the face, head, and neck
• drainage that can extend outward from the root of the tooth
• infection can spread to other areas of the body

Root Canal Therapy

First your dentist will place numbing jelly on your gums after which you will receive a shot of numbing medication to deaden the nerves in the area.

Then the dentist will use a drill to remove the nerve and pulp around your tooth. Sometimes the damaged tooth will be removed as well.

The pulp lies beneath the dentin on your tooth. It contains nerves, blood vessels, and connective tissue and extends from the tip of the roots to the crown. However, the pulp can be safely removed and the tooth can survive on its own without pulp. This makes root canal therapy an ideal treatment option if your tooth is infected.

Root Canal Pain

Most patients want to know how much RCT will hurt. Dental procedures often cause people to worry.

However, an experienced dentist will ensure that the procedure as comfortable and pain-free as possible. The anesthetic will numb your mouth so that you don’t feel pain at any time during the procedure. The numbing jelly starts reducing your discomfort even before the medication from the shot kicks in.

Don’t let the thought of undergoing Root canal treatment make you anxious or scared. Talk to your dentist ahead of the procedure about pain control and any other concerns you may have.

To learn more about treatment for cavities or to consult the leading Topeka Kansas dentist, call Covenant Family Dental Care at 785-268-6282 Today. The Covenant Family Dental Care team is committed to providing you a relaxing and positive dental health and care experience.