Häfele Celebrates the SuperMoms of India with Chef Maria Gorretti


Häfele, the international leader in Interior Functionality, brought a chance to shine for all those Super Moms unable to showcase their inner chefs due to their super busy lives. The Nagold SuperMom Super Recipe was created to celebrate these women from different walks of life who have an itch and the skills to innovate and create food. Hosted in the Häfele Design Centre SOBO on 30th October 2018, the Finale of Nagold SuperMom Super Recipe was all set to test the 8 finalists from cities all over the country on their skill, efficiency and innovation in the kitchen.
The story began with over 1000 entries online from which only 25 most unique recipes were selected to qualify for the next round. These 25 created and showcased their unique dish and the criteria to qualify for the finale was simple: Plate their dishes perfectly much like the beauty and functionality of Häfele infused kitchens. The climb to the final 8 was steep but with the help of 5 influential bloggers of the country, the most beautifully plated innovative recipes qualified for the finale. With the moms spread out across the country, the contest saw the determination and competitive spirit of these Final 8 as they arrived in Mumbai and beat the odds stacked against them to successfully recreate the same dish with their own personal twist: Hasselback Potatoes.
Chef Maria Gorretti, actress, model, VJ, Chef, TV host and Super Mom to two adorable children, arrived to judge the event and rightly handed over the cape to the Super Mom of the country, Mrs. Nikita Bramhecha from Nashik. Mrs. Divya Jain and Mrs. Nina Jacob as runner-ups earned Bangalore a huge win at the contest. The winners took home the highly practical and stylish Klara Castline – The Kitchen Machine. Later, the elusive Maria herself demonstrated how to make the most delicious and healthy Gluten Free Butter Free Orange Cake and showcased the power and beauty of watching a mom work aided by Häfele’s innovative smart kitchen fittings that would ease the pressures on any busy mother.
Häfele proudly hosted this exciting and successful platform for the moms of the nation. The brand’s belief in celebrating women, Chef Maria’s superpowers in the kitchen and most importantly the finalists’ will to prove themselves as the ultimate Super Mom was definitely the Super Recipe to this perfect cook-off!