GetSavvi Health: Offering Affordable Medical Cover Plans


GetSavvi Health (Pty) Ltd is based in South Africa with the objective of providing health insurance plans to the citizens at an affordable rate. Statistics say that nearly 7% of the total population suffers from diabetes and nearly 1.5 million people need antiretroviral treatment. But, only 13.5% percent of the population have access to proper medical care. So, GetSavvi Health proposes three types of health insurance plans that will help the citizens of South Africa to receive proper medical care.

Medical plans offered by GetSavvi Health:

Get Care Plan: The Get Care Plan is focused on the family with only R230 per month. It is mostly a hospital care plan that will cover the costs during a medical emergency. There are also outpatient hospital benefits that include first-aid service. If a case of stabilisation in hospital arises, then the beneficiary can receive up to R17,500 per annum. GetSavvi Health also offers personal hospital benefits that include in-hospital treatment and associated services.

Primary Care Plan: The beneficiaries will receive day-to-day costs through the Primary Care Plan offered by GetSavvi Health. The company does not charge any joining fees. The plan supports visits to the dentists and doctors, black-and-white X-rays, and HIV and STI blood tests. The Primary Care Plan also covers the costs of funeral and accidental deaths. This plan costs only R520 per month for a family and R315 for an individual.

Primary Care Plan+: The Primary Care Plan+ caters to both families and single members. For the family it is only R700 per month while for individual beneficiary it is only R425 per month. The day-to-day benefits include unlimited GP visits, basic and emergency dentistry, blood tests and X-rays, and chronic and acute medication. The hospital plan under the Primary Care Plan+ covers emergency casualty, emergency stabilisation and personal accident benefits.

The Netcare 911 emergency hotline of GetSavvi Health is always active and the highly skilled team works round the clock to assess the nature of the patient’s emergency and dispatch an ambulance to the exact location. The company also provides telephonic health advice throughout the year that include stress management and trauma debriefing.

For more information about the health insurance schemes offered by GetSavvi Health, please visit the website

About the Company:
GetSavvi Health (Pty) Ltd offers effective health plan packages to the residents of South Africa, especially those who cannot afford costly medical and hospital bills. The packages also involve funeral costs and daily covers. The company is BEE compliant and regulated by Financial Services Board (FSB), Compliance Officers: Masthead.

Tygervalley Chambers 5, 27 Willie Van Schoor Avenue
Tygervalley, Bellville, 7530, South Africa
Tel: +27 86 118 9202