Much-awaited Chanakya’s Prelims Test Series for Civil Services Exam 2019 commenced from October 20th


Chanakya IAS Academy, the premium institute in coaching for Civil Services Examination, announced their Prelims Test Series for CSE 2019. Commenced from October 20th, 2018, the most sought-after Chanakya’s Prelims Test Series is available in two different modes, classroom & Online. The Test Series is available for both English and Hindi Medium Students and consists of total 30 (25 GS and 05 CSAT) papers. Candidates can avail the complete package of Chanakya’s Prelims Test Series for Rs. 5000 by registering online at the academy’s Official Website.

Designed by Toppers, Subject Experts and Success Guru AK Mishra, Chanakya’s Prelims Test Series has always provided a splendid opportunity to thousands of serious candidates towards upgrading their preparation. This year too, the Tests have been formulated with an aim to extensively cover the entire syllabus for CSE 2019, to help students thoroughly prepare for the exam. Chanakya’s Prelims Test Series is strictly in regard with the UPSC’s Prelims Exam pattern & associated norms and will be evaluated on the same lines by subject matter experts & toppers. With a coverage of around 2800 high-quality multiple-choice questions, students will get a detailed explanation for the entire paper to help them understand the dynamism of the Civil Services Prelims Exam, analyze their mistakes and take their preparation ahead progressively.

For past 25 years, Chanakya’s Prelims Test Series is being acknowledged for the commendable role it has played in the preparation journey for Successful candidates. Even in the recent years, out of 1500 questions asked in the Prelims Exam, around 80-100 have been directly or indirectly asked in Chanakya’s Prelims Test Series. And the glorious results for academy’s students, each consecutive year is the cognizance of their consistent efforts towards guiding students in the right direction of preparation. “We are constantly trying to provide the best of education opportunities to every deserving and serious candidate. Prelims being the qualifying stage, it becomes crucial to guide student towards preparing in the most effective manner, so that their chances of getting disqualified at this initial stage, gets minimal. Prelims Test series is a serious check on one’s ground preparation and mental readiness for the objective stage of the Civil Services Exam and our experts make sure the student is judged, as they will be, by the actual Examiners. This year the Prelims Test Series has commenced from October 20th, 2018 and we would like to wish all the students a very good luck for their preparation”, said the spokesperson at Chanakya IAS Academy.