How APIs are an important tool for business marketing?


As we all know that, SMS is the right medium to share any information with anyone, similarly it is effective marketing channel that should not be replaced with any other marketing tactic. Cell phones are used more than any other gadget and device in today’s world, this makes mobile marketing a key strategy for the marketing plan. Mobile marketing has become important for every business who wants to keep winning over their competitors and maintain their presence in the industry.

Moreover, with the occurrence of API services by providers it is possible to send text messages notifications, reminders, and alerts to people through own software application. Application-programming-interface is a set of functions that allow the creation of applications which access the features and data of an operating system, mobile app or another service. Similarly, if you wish to do SMS marketing than you can use bulk SMS API provider functionalities in vb6.0, PHP, java, c# etc as per your software designed language.

If you have huge consumption of text messages means you have thousands of customers phone number in your list then use JSON and XML API for timely delivery of messages. In case of OTP services or single messages to recipients than use HTTP SMS API in any programmable language sample code.

You can go to our cloud-based interface to try our APIs functionality. With the proper developer guide, we have given our bulk SMS gateway API with so many ready-to-use sample codes.

Below, I am sharing a few examples of how e-commerce stores & banks can use SMS marketing services for single and mass marketing. So, that you will get an idea to utilize it in your enterprise or store.

E-commerce stores Single SMS-

Dear customer, we regret to inform you that your Amazon order containing product ‘’Harvard Men Red Navy Checked Shirt & 1 other item’’ has been delayed. Sorry for the inconvenience caused.

E-commerce store Bulk SMS-

Gear up! It’s 50-80% OFF @Big fashion sale from 27th-30th Oct! Prices revealing @8pm tonight! Get wishlist now! http://abc.inDgfTu15Ggj

Bank single SMS-

Rs. 2000.00 spent on card *******2546 on 20-10-2018, 18:14 at Rambagh, Indore. Avl Bal Rs 25,877.83. Use UCOSECURE

Bank bulk SMS-

Dear customers, now use banking features directly from your phone using iMobile app. To download iMobile, click

These are the few examples for which you can adopt SMS services into your company. Choose it and draft messages, reminders as per your requirement & purpose under 160 characters as single SMS credit.

Even if you wish to send your information on a certain date or time then use ‘Schedule SMS’ feature of your provider’s interface or through API.