Easy Loans UK Makes Necessary Changes to Its Loan Policies


27 Oct. 18, London – most of the people, in the UK, suffer from the repayment troubles at the time of returning the borrowed amount. One of the biggest reasons for the same is the high interest rates that the loan lenders charge. For the same, Easy Loans UK has come up with few changes in the rate of interest that it provides to its loan borrowers.

From the upcoming year, the interest rates chargeable by the lender will reduce up to 20%. Keeping in mind the sufferings of the jobless borrowers, the lender has chosen to make the decision and smoothen the repayment process. Earlier, many of the loan customers could borrow the loan but only a few could succeed to repay them. The reason, as you know, were the hefty rates of interest. However, now the situation has taken a turn and almost all the loan receivers are able to make the payment against the money they are getting.

When the people were asked about the fore coming changes in the APR of the instalment loans from direct lenders, they expressed their happiness and satisfaction for the same. Many of them felt that now the need to suppress the desires would not be there. As the lender has promised the instant loan approvals as well, the people of the UK expressed their joy and glee for the same.

William Mathew, a financial expert at Easy Loans UK was interviewed and asked about the reason for sudden news regarding the modifications in the loan policies. She said, “We were trying to help the needy out there in the UK by providing loans to them. However, there were times that it led them to a situation full of debt. To avoid the same, we thought to save our customers from converting into debtors. For the same, we are looking forward to ease the struggle and offer the money at lower interest rates.”