When a CAD software update really pays off – A calculated decision


Sometimes it is difficult to decide whether to update to a new version of CAD software. Relying on your gut-instinct is usually not the best way.

To make it easier for administrators to make an update decision, the following process can be used to perform an objective assessment and make an informed decision.

Integration with the existing infrastructure
The systems infrastructure in a company often consists of numerous integrated solutions, such as ERP, PLM, backup systems or the intranet. Almost every company has a mature software environment into which any new software must fit. So if you want to work effectively with a new update, it is important to check how well the new version fits with your infrastructure.
The test phase
First of all, administrators should put the software update through a series of basic tests. If the company has a software maintenance contract, it will of course receive the update automatically. If not, the following alternative ways to cost-effectively test the new version can be considered:
• Using a trial version
• Participating in beta test programs
• Purchasing a short-term rental license
Advantages on request
The administrator can expect some advantages from a new update, starting with higher productivity through optimized design processes. This enables employees to achieve more in less time. In addition, automated applications reduce personnel costs and increase capacity. More precise designs lead to improved financial performance by reducing production errors. Maintenance costs can be reduced by retiring outdated programs. Other costs can be completely eliminated by creating consistent processes through automation.
Let the numbers speak for themselves
The expected financial gains and benefits achieved from a software investment drive the decision making process of company management, who ultimately want their money invested profitably. Increasingly, decisions are being based on a well-known measure called: Return on Investment (ROI). In other words, the ratio of capital employed to profit earned for the company. A wide variety of factors relating to content, technology and logistics play a role here.
The decision: Go or No Go
Equipped with firm facts and a calculated ROI, it is now time to convince management and the finance department to go ahead. Experience has shown that this is the only effective way to gain approval to finance software updates. Administrators can significantly increase their chances of a Go decision by making their case based on detailed analysis, anticipated benefits and ROI, rather than emotions or gut-feel. Making intelligent update decisions requires, in equal measure, user testing, software analysis, and cost calculation. With these items in the bag, an administrator can make sound decisions with confidence.

>> Update your CAD software now or wait