SuperBot for Education ­ Conversational ChatBot for Admission Counselling


Two Things ­ The increasing popularity of mobile messaging apps and advances in artificial intelligence ­ are together enabling a new generation of tools which enables brands to communicate with customers in a more powerful and cost­effective manner. Retailers, as well as Technology firms, are experimenting with AI­powered ChatBots, built with the help of Machine Learning and Natural Language Understanding to act as a Help Desk, Counseling Agent, Sales Support and other industry related function.

Realizing the increasing need and demand of the same for the ever­evolving businesses, PinnacleWorks launched “SuperBot ­ An AI­powered communication ChatBot”, in the month of January. It was created to meet the needs of all the industries, but the Education Industry being the company’s area of expertise was tapped first. At the time of its launch, we weren’t sure of its adaption by the industry experts, as changing an age­old format of operating things isn’t an easy task. But, to our amazement, it is trusted and used by 25+ Organizations within just 8 months of its launch only. In this span, SuperBot was able to resolve over 2.5 million Queries and generate 25,000+ leads.

“In this span of 8 months the PinnacleWorks team kept a close watch over the performance of SuperBot and continuously kept on fixing the bugs while improving its performance, resulting into a chat success rate of 97%” ­ Mr Ankit Ruia, Co­Founder ­ PinnacleWorks

After the removal of all the bugs and covering the possible areas of improvements, SuperBot Version 2.0 was launched in last week of September 2018. The updated version came with a few amazing features which made it much more smarter for use. For eg:­ The online payment gateways were integrated to the chat widget, which allowed users to pay for the desired service from the chat window only. In addition, the Peer course suggestions were added for the students to help capture leads for the peer courses as well as helping the students to know their options. With the help of machine learning, the automatic reminders were also set for the visitors, who would have shown interest in taking admission or any other service but didn’t leave their details. With such reminder notifications, the users are passively approached and reminded about their interest and hence potential leads are captured. The team is still working on various elements to make sure the considerable lead maintained in the industry is continued.

“Chatbots are the latest evolution of how people access information, make decisions and communicate. With this belief we have rolled out SuperBot for other industries as well including Automobile, BFSI, Tourism, etc in India and abroad” ­ Mr Sarvagya Mishra, Co­Founder ­ PinnacleWorks

