The International English Language Testing System (IELTS) measures the language proficiency of people who want to study or work where English is used as a language of communication. It uses a nine-band scale to clearly identify levels of proficiency, from non-user through to expert. to be expert seek IELTS Preparation Online by Swan Tutors Indusrty Experts. Avail FREE LIVE DEMO now.
IELTS is obtainable in two test versions: 1. Academic – for people applying for higher education or professional registration, and 2.General Training – for those migrating to Australia, Canada and the UK, or applying for secondary education, training programmes and work experience in an English-speaking environment. Both versions provide a valid and accurate assessment of the four language skills: listening, reading, writing and speaking.
IELTS is available at more than 1,200 locations worldwide, including more than 50 locations in the USA, and there are 48 test dates a year. IELTS Preparation Online and IELTS Training Online for IELTS Online Coaching are the best suited to score high in IELTS Exam.