Loan Lender Offers Doorstep Lending to Self Employed for The First Time


October 9, 2018, London, UK- Visiting the bank and waiting in the corridors for the turn to get the approval on the loan application is quite cumbersome when someone is physically unfit. To ease the burden of such individuals, Loan Lender has come up with the exciting offers on doorstep loans. The loan products are polished in such a way to serve the convenience to the applicants, who are listed in the category of physically disabled.
The company is launching the bespoke deals and allowing the borrowers to grab the necessary funding at their doorstep. At Loan Lender, the chances of approval do not rely on the applicants’ credit rating. As a value-added offer, the lender is not performing any hard credit check. The lender believes in performing the soft credit check to avoid hurting the credit score of the prospective borrowers.
Sam William is a senior financial expert at Loan Lender. He utilises his knowledge to resolve the monetary issues of those, who are unable to visit the lender’s office. His experience says- “Doorstep lending should not be restricted only to those, who are physically not well. In fact, any individual, who has a busy life schedule or any other issue due to which he or she is unable to go to the bank, can avail these loans. At Loan Lender, doorstep lending is prominent and the applicants can also attain self employed loans at competitive rates here. Plus, no additional charges and irrelevant documentation are required here.”
Loan Lender is following the new age lending norms to speed up the processing. Now, the applicants can get the approval on loans without a delay. Of course, the customers have an opportunity to select the loan deals according to their needs and recent circumstances.
The best thing is that the company sends its representative at the borrowers’ place and the entire process will be done there. Since the lender comes to collect the repayments, there will be no hassle of making transactions online. This means that the loans are available for those, who do not have any bank account. Besides, the lender provides practical advice to resolve the issues and give a chance to the borrowers to get in touch with him directly.