Juan Antonio Nino is an Experienced Banker from Panama


Juan Antonio Nino is a well-educated and professional Panamanian banker. He has done his graduation in economics in the year 1977 from the national university in Panama and started his career in the banking industry, Panama. He has joined the national bank of Panama and worked in different departments before becoming a treasurer in the same bank. No doubt his commitment and dedication in his job has opened up doors for him to climb great heights in the banking industry who has become an expert in solving many complex issues and faced challenges that he has handled successfully. With his hard work and professionalism he has reached the higher management level within no time in the banking industry. He has thorough knowledge about different roles and responsibilities in the bank and directed his team to reach their goals and help in the growth and success of his bank. He worked with Marine Midland Bank and later moved on to the Confederate Bank of Latin America where he has played an active role in the expansion of the bank subsidiaries across Panama. He also took up the position of the vice president of the Banco Uno Panama during which time he has opened 20 new agencies for the bank and made his mark in the banking industry. He also took care that all the banks that he has worked are in compliance with the state and federal laws of banking of the country.

Juan Antonio Nino has a quest for knowledge and though he has got lot of experience and expertise in the banking industry as well as the financial markets he still pursued many more business and financial courses from the prestigious Harvard University and Wharton school of business. Juan Antonio Nino is also very active in taking up social responsibilities and has been a member in the Lions Club and has participated in many programs organised by them to serve the people in need. He has also been an active member in the events organised by NGO’s where he has travelled a lot to serve the underprivileged people. He is also an active member on the social media who likes to share his experiences in life both personal as well as professional. He as inspiration to people who would like to take up a career in the banking industry. To know more about him you can check out his profile on different social media platforms online.

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Contact Address:

Juan Antonio Nino
United States of America