Easy Loans UK to offer guaranteed loans for unemployed at 4% better rates


09 October 2018, London – lot of people in the UK suffer from the hardships of unemployment. Unlike most of the lenders who hesitate to offer the financial help to these people, Easy Loans UK offers the necessary support to them through the variant loan types specially designed for the jobless people. With the rising popularity of the product, the lender decided to make few changes in its policy that benefits the people to the utmost extent.

It has promised to make a reduction in the interest rates of the guaranteed loans for unemployed for up to 4%. Most of the people with no job facility go through the hurdles of managing the funds, at a time like this; it becomes a thing of great distress to find a loan that offers you the right deals. Keeping the welfare and well-being of its customers in mind, it vows to reduce the interest rates in addition to providing the loans at flexible terms.

After the changes were being made, a group of common people were asked whether they found them beneficial or not. One of the pedestrian said, “I am unemployed and taking external monetary help was a head ache for me as i earlier had to pay back an amount much higher than what I borrowed. The case is not the same anymore. The reduced rates have helped me a lot with my expenses.”

John Green, the co-founder of Easy Loans UK, in the same context, says, “We know the problem of unemployment is continuously rising. People face endless problems in meeting the ends with their expenses and requirements. To assist our customers, we have taken a wise step to reduce the interest rates of our loan products. Moreover, with the pace of time we are also looking forward to make more changes that work in the favour of our customers.” he also added “the first concern for us has always been our customers and we hope and wish to provide them all that we can.”