Translation India takes part in Nation Building


Translation India offers its simultaneous Interpretation Equipment to the “Destination Uttarakhand Business Summit 2018“

Raipur, Dehradun: With its ideology in contributing a hand to nation building, Translation India offered its sophisticated Simultaneous Interpretation Equipment to the “Uttarakhand Investors Summit 2018” held on 7th October
2018 and 8th October 2018 respectively at Rajiv Gandhi International Cricket Stadium, Raipur Dehradun.

Language interpretation from English to Hindi and English to Japanese was done from Translation India’s part.

This glorious event was inaugurated by Honorable Prime Minister of India, Mr. Narendra Modi on the 7th of October. Special Dignitaries like Mr. Rajnath Singh (MoS, Home Ministry) was present on 8th October 2018. The event was aimed to aid the establishment of businesses and foster their growth with good governance, policy support and Ease of Doing Business.

“Investment proposals worth over Rs. 70,000 crore have been signed and a large portion of the Memorandum of Understandings have been marked with an aim to achieve development to the state’s bumpy territories,” Mr. Rawat, CM Uttarakhand said at the two-day Uttarakhand Investors Summit 2018.

“Translation India has always been a contributor in the development of the nation and we will always keep doing it” Mr. Kesarwani exclaimed.

Translation India has delivered its innovative interpretation equipments across the length and breadth of the country and is the most trusted organization in terms of its simultaneous interpretation equipments.