Different courses offered by different Symbiosis Institutes across India


SNAP is conducted by Symbiosis International University (SIU), Pune for admission to various Post Graduate Programmes for the academic year 2017–19. The SNAP Exam will be on 18th December 2016. SNAP 2016 is the initial step in the admission process.

There are different courses offered by different Symbiosis Institutes across India and following courses are common to all:

• Master of Business Administration (MBA)
• M. Sc. (CA): Master of Science (Computer Applications)
• Master of Business Administration (MBA) in Communication Management
• Master of Mass Communication (MMC)
• Masters of Business Administration — International Business [MBA-(IB)]
• Symbiosis National Aptitude Test (SNAP) is conducted by Symbiosis International University (SIU), Pune for admission to various post graduate programs for the academic year 2013–15.

This test is held under the guidance of SIEC Deemed University. All institutes under Symbiosis International University have made the SNAP exam mandatory for taking admission in the post graduate programs.
For SNAP 2016 Registration, one has to visit the official website of SNAP 2016. The registration fee for SNAP 2016 test is Rs 1,500. However, candidates will have to apply for their desired institutes separately.

The test consists of 150 objective type questions for duration of two hours (120 Minutes).