Receive Agent Discounts & Other Benefits with TR King Insurance Marketing


Independent insurance agents have more flexibility and a wider range of opportunities for a successful career. Those under TR King Insurance Marketing receive high-level contracts, reliable insurance packages, agent discounts, and more.

[Roanoke, 10/05/2018] – Independent insurance agents have the potential to earn more and have flexible policy evaluations compared with captive agents tied to one insurance company. However, independent agents need to find the right resources that will point them towards their success.

TR King Insurance Marketing, an insurance field marketing organization (IMO) based in Virginia, offers nearly everything independent insurance agents need for a successful career. Apart from benefits, such as lead providers and access to quality insurance products, agents also receive discounts for partner companies offering useful insurance training, licensing, and technology.

Agent Discounts

Insurance agents who have partnered with TR King Insurance Marketing may receive discounts from companies and insurance carriers working with the IMO. Some of the categories and companies offering discounts include:

• Insurance Licensing & CE: Licensing programs and continuing education for insurance agents

o A.D. Banker & Company
o ExamFX

• Errors & Omissions Insurance
o 360 CoveragePros

• Insurance Training: Webinars, sales training and support, marketing, prospecting, and new products in the market

o Independent Life Insurance Agent Association
o MedicareTraining 101
o Final Expense 101

• Insurance Leads: Providing telemarketers, mailing, and other means to reach leads

o The Lead Connection
o Lead Heroes
o LeadCo Leads

• Business Software & Technology: Low-cost CRM technology for starting agents

o Capsule
o Formilla
o Agency Bloc
o CSG Actuarial

A Supportive IMO

TR King Insurance Marketing has partnered with over 2,000 independent insurance agents who have benefitted from the IMO’s network and services. Apart from these discounts, independent agents may receive higher commissions from the insurance carriers and flexible insurance packages to cater to their customers’ needs.

About TR King Insurance Marketing

TR King Insurance Marketing assists independent agents in Virginia by offering high-level contracts, insurance agency networks, and potential leads. The Insurance Field Marketing Organization has over 20 years of experience in the industry and has networked with 150 agencies across the United States.

Insurance agents who choose to partner with TR Insurance Marketing will receive benefits such as access to top-rated quality products, direct compensation from the insurance company, high commissions, an array of lead resources, and access to online resources and agent discounts.

Partner with today.