Talygen Reintroduces its Advanced Resource Scheduling Feature with Latest Modifications


Talygen, one of the leading cloud-based Business Management Solution Providers, has reintroduced its advanced Resource Scheduling Solution that comes under Project Management Module with latest modifications.

Talygen’s Resource Scheduling System allows managers to schedule and manage their team’s assigned work. The system enables managers to re-allocate resources and assign tasks related to projects to the available/unoccupied team members. This is one of the most integral feature of Talygen’s Project Management tool used by Project Managers to manage the work flow of a project .

‘’As per the existing features of Cloud Resource Scheduling, a Project Manager can allocate tasks to the team members as per different locations and shifts,” said Harold Saini, Chief Program Manager at Talygen. ‘’To streamline the entire Project Management system, Talygen has added some more innovative add-on features in Resource Scheduling’’, added Harold Saini.

Some of those distinctive features in Resource Scheduling Software are as follows:

1. Talygen’s calendar allows managers to schedule the upcoming tasks of their team members by using various features such as zoom in, zoom out, filter resource, advance scheduling etc.
2. Every team member has been assigned a specific number of working hours. If the working hours of any resource exceed the given limit, the cell color in the calendar is converted into red color.
3. Color denotation of different cells are as follows:
• If the cell color displays white, it means that there is not any task assigned to the resource.
• The grey cell denotes the user has been assigned work in a particular period of time.
• If the cell denotes peach color, it shows the availability of users so that Company Admins/Project Managers can assign them tasks related to projects as per their availabilities.
• Clock icon shows the quick and automated way to track the time spent on each task of a project. Users can only view this icon when the time has been tracked via Timesheet/Time Track.
• Crème color cell denotes weekend i.e. Saturday and Sunday.
• Violet color cell denotes that the user is on leave.
• Pale Pink color cell denotes that the user is busy at the moment.
• Green color cell signifies a company holiday.

4. Talygen’s Resource Scheduling System helps users to easily understand data with the help of an graphical representation. It presents the data in an effective way that helps users to interpret it easily.
5. Talygen’s Employee Database Software provides ‘Direct Rescheduling’ in which Project Managers can easily increase the time duration of a team member working on a project. They just need to drag the resource bar as per their requirements. It saves their precious time and they do not need to go through the extensive process of task assignment.

These are the new changes incorporated in Resource Scheduling Application and they provide more flexibility to the Project Managers in assigning tasks related to the project. These new features of Work Schedule Software help in faster implementation of scheduled tasks, lower costs and also save time to finish tasks.

About Talygen

Talygen, a leader in Business Management Automation provides an integrated suite of services and processes which allows businesses to manage their core workflows via cloud-based Software as a Service (SaaS) application.

Talygen allows companies to automate, regulate and enforce their corporate processes. The company empowers businesses and their employees to manage their complete set of corporate tasks without any need to install specialized software for each of them.

Talygen aims to help organizations achieve their business goals by making it easy for teams and employees to collaborate in real-time, using various tools such as Employee database software, CRM, Hiring, Event Management, Project, Invoicing, Ticketing, Expense, Human Resource, Asset Management and more.

Press Contact:
Talygen, Inc.
Harold Saini
(650) 800-3850
228 Hamilton Avenue 3rd Floor
Palo Alto California 94301
Media (at) Talygen (dot) com