Updated Financial Information: Incapital RE LLP


Publication of inside information pursuant to Article 17 of Regulation (EU) No 596/2014

Updated financial information regarding the underlying asset, “Incapital RE LLP”, and the relevant investment, “Incapital Participacoes LTDA”

Luxembourg, 01.10.2018

The following Bonds (ISIN: DE000A1Z0AL1, DE000A184KW5, DE000A19D993, DE000A19LS87) reflect the credit profile of EUR denominated loans with debitor Incapital Re LLP (“Debtor”), which invests via its subsidiary Incapital Participacoes LTDA.

Incapital Participaoces LTDA issued its annual accounts for the fiscal year 2017. The annual accounts foresee a loss of 14,392,000 Real. Thereof 6,465k Real are unrealized exchange rate losses on their liabilities and 7,834k Real losses resulting from the consolidation of its holding in HP12 and consolidation subject to the equity method. This may have an impact on the ability of the Debtor to perform its obligation under the aforementioned underlying loans.

Language: English
Entity: Opus – Chartered Issuances S.A (6, Rue Eugene Ruppert, L-2453 Luxembourg, Grand Duchy of Luxembourg), acting in respect of its Compartment 19, Compartment 39, Compartment 57, Compartment 67 to which all assets, rights and claims in relating to the bond are allocated
Internet: www.chartered-opus.com
WKN: A1Z0AL, A184KW, A19D99, A19LS8,
ISIN: DE000A1Z0AL1, DE000A184KW5, DE000A19D993, DE000A19LS87
Listing: Börse Düsseldorf // Düsseldorf Stock Exchange (Freiverkehr)

End of Notification